details: 'machx ungrateful carry'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
Humanmachx (teal | 74 APM | 2430 actions | 32:51)
Hero icon 7 Goblin Tinker
Ability icon 3 Pocket Factory
Ability icon 3 Engineering Upgrade
Ability icon 1 Robo-Goblin

» actions
Assign group hotkey338
Basic commands200
Build / train83
ESC pressed1
Enter build submenu16
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Give item / drop item1
Right click1055
Select / deselect186
Select group hotkey447
Use ability96
2430 total
» units
Spell Breaker8
29 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting1
Animal War Training1
Control Magic1
12 total
» buildings
Scout Tower2
Arcane Tower1
Lumber Mill1
Altar of Kings1
Guard Tower3
Arcane Vault1
Arcane Sanctum1
25 total
» build order
00:22 Farm
00:39 Scout Tower
01:01 Farm
01:07 Scout Tower
01:09 Arcane Tower
01:14 Lumber Mill
01:47 Altar of Kings
02:07 Guard Tower
02:08 Guard Tower
02:52 Keep
02:53 Keep
02:53 Keep
04:06 Arcane Vault
05:18 Castle
05:26 Arcane Sanctum
05:28 Blacksmith
06:48 Barracks
06:50 Farm
06:52 Farm
06:52 Farm
06:54 Farm
13:54 Farm
» items
Potion of Healing4
Potion of Mana1
Scroll of Regeneration6
Boots of Speed1
Scroll of Town Portal7
19 total
Random» NightElfgreasy_granny (pink | 71 APM | 2334 actions | 32:52)
Hero icon 8 Goblin Tinker
Ability icon 3 Pocket Factory
Ability icon 3 Engineering Upgrade
Ability icon 1 Robo-Goblin
Ability icon 1 Cluster Rockets

» actions
Assign group hotkey107
Basic commands89
Build / train134
ESC pressed7
Enter build submenu81
Enter hero's abilities submenu8
Give item / drop item4
Right click878
Select / deselect268
Select group hotkey579
Use ability179
2334 total
» units
107 total
» upgrades
Nature's Blessing1
Strength of the Wild3
Reinforced Hides3
Corrosive Breath1
Well Spring1
10 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well8
Ancient of War2
Tree of Life4
Tree of Ages1
Hunter's Hall1
Tree of Eternity1
Ancient Protector43
Ancient of Wind2
Chimaera Roost16
79 total
» build order
00:16 Altar of Elders
00:19 Moon Well
01:16 Ancient of War
01:47 Ancient of War
02:11 Moon Well
03:05 Tree of Life
03:56 Moon Well
03:57 Moon Well
04:21 Tree of Life
04:55 Tree of Ages
05:45 Hunter's Hall
07:20 Tree of Eternity
07:26 Ancient Protector
07:27 Ancient Protector
07:27 Ancient Protector
07:38 Ancient Protector
07:46 Ancient Protector
07:47 Ancient Protector
07:48 Ancient Protector
07:48 Ancient Protector
07:52 Ancient Protector
08:51 Ancient Protector
08:52 Ancient Protector
08:52 Ancient Protector
08:53 Ancient Protector
09:06 Ancient of Wind
09:38 Moon Well
09:39 Moon Well
09:40 Moon Well
09:43 Moon Well
10:25 Chimaera Roost
10:25 Chimaera Roost
10:26 Chimaera Roost
10:26 Chimaera Roost
11:00 Chimaera Roost
11:00 Chimaera Roost
11:03 Chimaera Roost
13:43 Ancient Protector
13:44 Ancient Protector
13:45 Ancient Protector
13:46 Ancient Protector
13:47 Ancient Protector
13:51 Ancient Protector
13:53 Ancient Protector
13:54 Ancient Protector
14:00 Ancient Protector
14:01 Ancient Protector
14:01 Ancient Protector
14:06 Ancient Protector
14:08 Ancient Protector
16:05 Ancient of Wind
17:36 Chimaera Roost
17:37 Chimaera Roost
17:37 Chimaera Roost
17:38 Chimaera Roost
17:38 Chimaera Roost
18:28 Tree of Life
19:24 Tree of Life
19:49 Ancient Protector
19:50 Ancient Protector
19:50 Ancient Protector
19:51 Ancient Protector
20:23 Ancient Protector
20:23 Ancient Protector
24:18 Ancient Protector
24:19 Ancient Protector
24:19 Ancient Protector
24:19 Ancient Protector
24:20 Ancient Protector
24:20 Ancient Protector
24:21 Ancient Protector
24:22 Ancient Protector
24:22 Ancient Protector
24:22 Ancient Protector
26:08 Chimaera Roost
26:08 Chimaera Roost
26:10 Chimaera Roost
26:10 Chimaera Roost
» items
Boots of Speed1
Potion of Invisibility3
Staff of Teleportation1
Scroll of Town Portal1
6 total
UndeadZL2 (yellow | 32 APM | 1039 actions | 32:51)
Hero icon 8 Dark Ranger
Ability icon 3 Black Arrow
Ability icon 3 Silence
Ability icon 1 Charm
Ability icon 1 Life Drain

» actions
Build / train110
Enter build submenu17
Enter hero's abilities submenu8
Right click548
Select / deselect317
Use ability39
1039 total
» units
Crypt Fiend60
88 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack3
Creature Carapace3
7 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Halls of the Dead1
Black Citadel1
Spirit Tower1
Tomb of Relics1
17 total
» build order
00:07 Ziggurat
00:10 Altar of Darkness
00:31 Ziggurat
00:57 Crypt
01:19 Graveyard
05:47 Ziggurat
06:31 Crypt
08:03 Halls of the Dead
10:05 Ziggurat
12:47 Ziggurat
12:57 Black Citadel
13:48 Ziggurat
13:54 Ziggurat
15:13 Ziggurat
16:09 Spirit Tower
16:45 Tomb of Relics
26:40 Crypt
» items
Scroll of Town Portal1
Orb of Corruption1
2 total
Orcwalmartpimp (green | 70 APM | 2297 actions | 32:51)
Hero icon 9 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 3 Critical Strike
Ability icon 1 Bladestorm
Ability icon 2 Mirror Image

» actions
Assign group hotkey55
Basic commands81
Build / train78
ESC pressed4
Enter build submenu28
Enter hero's abilities submenu10
Give item / drop item2
Remove unit from queue2
Right click540
Select / deselect211
Select group hotkey1230
Use ability56
2297 total
» units
Troll Witch Doctor3
45 total
» upgrades
Melee Weapons3
Witch Doctor Training2
Shaman Training2
11 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow9
Voodoo Lounge1
War Mill1
Great Hall2
Watch Tower4
Spirit Lodge2
Tauren Totem2
25 total
» build order
00:30 Altar of Storms
00:36 Orc Burrow
01:33 Orc Burrow
02:22 Barracks
02:28 Voodoo Lounge
03:33 Orc Burrow
03:56 Orc Burrow
05:33 Stronghold
05:37 Orc Burrow
05:59 War Mill
06:53 Great Hall
07:19 Watch Tower
07:21 Watch Tower
07:22 Watch Tower
07:57 Fortress
08:58 Orc Burrow
09:26 Spirit Lodge
09:30 Spirit Lodge
10:33 Watch Tower
10:55 Tauren Totem
11:18 Tauren Totem
13:29 Orc Burrow
13:32 Orc Burrow
14:54 Orc Burrow
20:49 Great Hall
» items
Healing Salve2
Scroll of Healing1
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability2
Orb of Lightning1
Scroll of Town Portal1
Boots of Speed1
8 total
team 2
NightElfdeMolka (blue | 19 APM | 572 actions | 29:39)
Hero icon 9 Priestess of the Moon
Ability icon 3 Scout
Ability icon 3 Trueshot Aura
Ability icon 1 Starfall
Ability icon 2 Searing Arrows

» actions
Assign group hotkey2
Build / train66
Enter build submenu15
Enter hero's abilities submenu9
Give item / drop item2
Right click238
Select / deselect198
Use ability42
572 total
» units
Faerie Dragon4
41 total
» upgrades
Strength of the Wild3
Reinforced Hides3
Abolish Magic1
Corrosive Breath1
Well Spring1
9 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well7
Hunter's Hall1
Ancient of War1
Ancient of Wonders1
Tree of Ages1
Ancient of Lore1
Ancient of Wind1
Tree of Eternity1
Chimaera Roost1
Tree of Life1
17 total
» build order
00:10 Altar of Elders
00:15 Moon Well
01:16 Hunter's Hall
01:45 Ancient of War
01:59 Moon Well
02:31 Ancient of Wonders
03:08 Tree of Ages
03:41 Moon Well
04:26 Moon Well
05:39 Ancient of Lore
05:44 Ancient of Wind
06:09 Tree of Eternity
07:55 Moon Well
08:58 Chimaera Roost
09:25 Moon Well
11:14 Moon Well
21:08 Tree of Life
» items
Scroll of Regeneration1
Anti-magic Potion1
4 total
Random» OrcBoris_X1V (orange | 61 APM | 1071 actions | 17:25)
Hero icon 5 Shadow Hunter
Ability icon 3 Serpent Ward
Ability icon 2 Healing Wave
Hero icon 2 Tauren Chieftain
Ability icon 1 Endurance Aura
Ability icon 1 War Stomp

» actions
Assign group hotkey10
Build / train37
Enter build submenu16
Enter hero's abilities submenu8
Right click338
Select / deselect179
Select group hotkey418
Use ability65
1071 total
» units
Troll Witch Doctor6
19 total
» upgrades
Witch Doctor Training2
Melee Weapons1
6 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow6
War Mill1
Watch Tower1
Voodoo Lounge1
Spirit Lodge2
Great Hall1
Tauren Totem1
17 total
» build order
00:13 Altar of Storms
00:22 Orc Burrow
01:09 War Mill
01:32 Barracks
02:07 Orc Burrow
02:59 Orc Burrow
03:24 Watch Tower
03:34 Stronghold
05:14 Voodoo Lounge
06:13 Fortress
06:23 Spirit Lodge
06:28 Spirit Lodge
07:47 Great Hall
09:53 Tauren Totem
11:15 Orc Burrow
14:34 Orc Burrow
14:36 Orc Burrow
» items
Healing Salve1
1 total
HumanmuchentuchenHD (purple | 27 APM | 888 actions | 32:51)
Hero icon 4 Mountain King
Ability icon 2 Storm Bolt
Ability icon 2 Thunder Clap

» actions
Basic commands203
Build / train115
Enter build submenu35
Enter hero's abilities submenu4
Remove unit from queue1
Right click40
Select / deselect353
Use ability137
888 total
» units
Gryphon Rider14
69 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting2
Storm Hammers1
Animal War Training1
17 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill1
Scout Tower22
Guard Tower18
Town Hall1
Gryphon Aviary2
Arcane Tower3
Arcane Vault1
64 total
» build order
00:22 Altar of Kings
00:38 Farm
00:53 Barracks
01:07 Farm
01:24 Lumber Mill
01:46 Farm
02:08 Scout Tower
02:20 Farm
02:38 Guard Tower
02:41 Scout Tower
02:46 Scout Tower
03:12 Guard Tower
03:14 Guard Tower
04:28 Scout Tower
04:30 Scout Tower
04:32 Scout Tower
04:37 Town Hall
04:48 Keep
05:00 Guard Tower
05:16 Guard Tower
08:24 Scout Tower
08:26 Scout Tower
08:28 Scout Tower
08:29 Scout Tower
08:52 Guard Tower
09:11 Castle
09:16 Guard Tower
09:19 Guard Tower
09:23 Guard Tower
10:11 Scout Tower
10:15 Scout Tower
10:27 Blacksmith
10:31 Gryphon Aviary
10:36 Gryphon Aviary
10:45 Arcane Tower
11:09 Arcane Tower
11:39 Scout Tower
11:42 Scout Tower
11:53 Castle
12:07 Guard Tower
12:29 Arcane Tower
13:07 Arcane Vault
13:50 Farm
13:53 Farm
15:14 Scout Tower
15:16 Scout Tower
15:17 Scout Tower
15:18 Scout Tower
16:12 Guard Tower
16:34 Guard Tower
16:38 Guard Tower
16:41 Guard Tower
23:59 Farm
24:03 Farm
24:04 Farm
24:05 Farm
24:08 Farm
25:07 Scout Tower
25:09 Scout Tower
25:10 Scout Tower
25:10 Scout Tower
26:02 Guard Tower
26:04 Guard Tower
26:42 Guard Tower
26:50 Guard Tower
Humanchista (red | 32 APM | 857 actions | 26:46)
Hero icon 6 Archmage
Ability icon 3 Summon Water Elemental
Ability icon 2 Brilliance Aura
Ability icon 1 Mass Teleport
Hero icon 3 Paladin
Ability icon 1 Devotion Aura
Ability icon 1 Divine Shield
Ability icon 1 Holy Light

» actions
Assign group hotkey16
Basic commands177
Build / train65
Enter build submenu15
Enter hero's abilities submenu9
Remove unit from queue3
Right click142
Select / deselect206
Select group hotkey187
Use ability37
857 total
» units
Dragonhawk Rider7
36 total
» upgrades
Long Rifles1
Lumber Harvesting1
Animal War Training1
12 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Arcane Vault1
Lumber Mill2
Gryphon Aviary2
Town Hall1
21 total
» build order
00:09 Altar of Kings
00:14 Farm
00:58 Barracks
01:19 Farm
02:01 Farm
02:07 Arcane Vault
02:46 Lumber Mill
02:52 Lumber Mill
03:17 Blacksmith
03:51 Farm
03:59 Keep
08:01 Gryphon Aviary
08:02 Gryphon Aviary
09:27 Farm
09:28 Farm
09:29 Farm
09:30 Farm
09:32 Farm
09:33 Farm
09:55 Castle
20:24 Town Hall
» items
Scroll of Regeneration1
1 total

Chat log

(00:31 / Allies) machx: hai
(00:43 / Allies) ZL2: yo
(00:46 / Allies) ZL2: fiends dr
(00:49 / Allies) machx: sup jiggas

(05:25 / Allies) greasy_granny: u guys afk?
(05:28 / Allies) greasy_granny: noone ahs left their base
(05:34 / Allies) machx: i creep

(08:12 / All) greasy_granny: my team wants a truce
(08:14 / All) greasy_granny: is that ok with u guys

(10:29 / Allies) greasy_granny: wood pls

(11:32 / All) greasy_granny: so far youve gotten 120 gold out of that mine
(11:33 / All) greasy_granny: lol

(13:42 / Allies) machx: get aa
(13:50 / Allies) ZL2: i have it
(14:08 / Allies) machx: not sure if that is adequate

(15:14 / Allies) greasy_granny: im not defending that
(15:17 / Allies) greasy_granny: you noobs have to do somethign this game
(15:20 / Allies) greasy_granny: besides creep green spots
(15:29 / Allies) machx: how about leave
(15:31 / Allies) machx: and u play alone
(15:34 / Allies) greasy_granny: go for it

(17:05 / Allies) greasy_granny: look at johnny come lately here
(17:08 / Allies) greasy_granny: hes here to save the day
(17:13 / Allies) greasy_granny: and kill a guys barracks
(17:16 / Allies) greasy_granny: who is at 10/0 food
(17:26 / Allies) machx: were u born a bitch?
(17:31 / Allies) greasy_granny: rt made me one
(17:40 / Allies) walmartpimp: i took out most their army
(17:42 / Allies) walmartpimp: douche
(17:47 / Allies) machx: go fuck urself pink
(17:49 / Allies) machx: tempted to bs u
(17:50 / Allies) greasy_granny: where on the map did that happen
(17:57 / Allies) machx: just shut ur stupid trap
(17:59 / Allies) machx: dumb bitch
(18:05 / Allies) walmartpimp: right there
(18:10 / Allies) greasy_granny: funny how they won that fight
(18:12 / Allies) greasy_granny: with 300 food to spare
(19:03 / All) greasy_granny: save a wisp to rebuild
(19:09 / All) greasy_granny: 2 late

(20:39 / Allies) machx: like i said get aa
(20:49 / Allies) ZL2: what do you think i have
(21:05 / Allies) machx: pink u thik ur hot with one level 6 tinker?
(21:08 / Allies) machx: im almost level 7
(21:12 / Allies) greasy_granny: lol
(21:17 / Allies) machx: wtih an army
(21:18 / Allies) greasy_granny: this isnt dota retard
(21:23 / Allies) machx: u think so
(21:38 / Allies) greasy_granny: you got level 7 creeping like a retard while i took 2 players completely out of the game
(21:40 / Allies) greasy_granny: for my level 6
(21:48 / Allies) machx: lol sure
(21:59 / Allies) machx: yellow
(22:04 / Allies) machx: how did ur aa go
(22:04 / Allies) ZL2: yes?
(22:06 / Allies) machx: with that?
(22:10 / Allies) ZL2: splendid.
(22:15 / Allies) machx: lol thats why u tp back?
(22:23 / Allies) ZL2: hero was more important
(22:36 / Allies) greasy_granny: in dota, hero is of supreme importance
(23:23 / Allies) machx: u fucking idiots
(23:28 / Allies) machx: get aa
(23:57 / Allies) greasy_granny: purple is the onyl one with workers or a main now
(24:53 / All) greasy_granny: you guys massing up before you hit?
(24:57 / All) greasy_granny: getting to 100 food each?
(25:04 / All) greasy_granny: who will be the least dumb
(25:06 / All) greasy_granny: and fthe first to leave
(25:08 / All) machx: pink is getting his period
(25:24 / Allies) greasy_granny: machx youve only played 4 solo games ever and you lost 3 of them
(25:29 / Allies) greasy_granny: im sure you think yorue good at this game
(26:01 / Allies) greasy_granny: LOL
(26:50 / All) greasy_granny: chista is least retarded
(26:54 / All) greasy_granny: player on yoru team
(26:58 / All) greasy_granny: who will be 2nd least dumb
(27:34 / All) muchentuchenHD: dude, how much time you spend playing this game, shit you know all the little shits and outs
(27:44 / All) machx: hes a pathetic loser
(27:53 / All) machx: no life
(27:58 / All) machx: obsessed with the game
(28:01 / All) machx: Plays 24/7
(28:02 / All) machx: but still sucks
(28:10 / All) ZL2: Hes better than us lol
(28:10 / Allies) greasy_granny: says the guy with over 1000 games
(28:14 / Allies) greasy_granny: who loses 75% of his solos
(28:16 / All) machx: not really
(28:16 / All) ZL2: Is what teal s saying
(28:22 / All) muchentuchenHD: he's nuts. he must read the books and shit.
(28:29 / All) machx: how? hes not even good
(28:32 / All) machx: all he has is one tinker
(28:35 / All) machx: lower level than i
(28:38 / All) machx: lol
(28:54 / All) muchentuchenHD: he's like a harrasser extraidinaire or some shit
(29:13 / All) machx: he's a gay extraordinare
(29:25 / All) machx: i suggest continue to mass air
(29:28 / All) machx: they dont have much aa
(29:30 / All) muchentuchenHD: how gay? like sausage in the can gay?
(29:40 / All) machx: like he loves the cock
(29:51 / All) muchentuchenHD: that's pretty gay
(30:33 / All) muchentuchenHD: puh RITTY gay indeed
(31:25 / Allies) ZL2: thats quite the base you have pink lmoa
(31:29 / Allies) ZL2: artistic haha
(31:30 / Allies) greasy_granny: thx lol
(31:37 / All) muchentuchenHD: lol greasy
(31:40 / Allies) machx: autistic?
(32:36 / All) greasy_granny: my final thought for the game: 1-3 solo
(32:48 / Allies) machx: i dont play solo... lol
(32:50 / Allies) machx: who cares?